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Affichage des messages du février, 2021

Links related to my field of study This website answers all of your questions about this profession. It's the Canadian Dental Association website. It leads you to many ressources and can even help you find a dentist. This website gives all the details about any specialisations in this field. It is really helpful for dental students who would like to specialize. This website provides every information related to this profession. It can help you find a dentist near you or even educate you on the field.

Specialized terms

Dental implant (Implant dentaire) : An artificial tooth that is anchored in the gums or jawbone to replace a missing tooth. Gingival graft (Greffe gingivale) : Gingival grafting , also called  gum grafting  or  periodontal  plastic surgery, is a generic term for the performance of any of a number of  periodontal  surgical procedures in which the  gum  tissue is  grafted . The aim may be to cover exposed root surfaces or merely to augment the band of keratinized tissue. Implant (Implant) : A material grafted into tissue. Calculus/Tartar (Tartre) : Calculus/Tartar is a hard, yellowish to brownish-black deposit on teeth formed largely through the mineralization of dead bacteria in dental plaques by the calcium salts in salivary secretions and subgingival transudates. Enamel (Émail) : Tooth enamel is the hardest and most mineralized substance in the body, and one of the four main tissues that make up the tooth. This is visible dental tissue, which is supported by the dentin underneat