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Why I have chosen dentistry


The choice of dentistry as a future profession seems obvious to me. First of all, I’ve talked to my young dentist many times about his university years in this program, and this PhD really fits with what I’m interested in and captivated by, it’s a manual occupation, and as soon as you enter that program of study, you go directly to the equipment. Also, like many, I love to make people happy. I’m passionate about seeing someone who is confident and proud of who they are. Being the person who creates that feeling in someone is a success for me. Being able to offer people the smile they deserve reall satisfies me.

I have been interested in this profession for a few years now and, as mentioned earlier, in addition to being a health professional, I would like to have my own dental cabinet. I love entrepreneurship, and I think it’s a good match for both. Working in this profession would allow me to achieve my two greatest passions at the same time.

The Ph.D. in dentistry is of great interest to me because I am more than eager to learn about my future profession. I love school and the knowledge it brings us, but my desire to specialize begins to emerge. I look forward to learning more about a particular field and being an expert in that knowledge.

In short, my desire to undertake my university studies in dentistry is justified by my passion for science, my satisfaction in making people happy and confident and the development of my entrepreneurial side.


  1. Would you be interested in learning a specialty in the future like orthodontics?

    1. Of course, I would like to continue my studies to specialize in maxillofacial surgery. However, this specialization adds 6 years of study to the PhD so I will re-evaluate then !

  2. You mentionned that your desire to specialize in your studies was growing. Do you think that the subjects that we see in Sciences at College is not precise enough to our interests?

    1. No, I don’t think so, it allows us to broaden our knowledge and focus on what interests us more. However, I look forward to specialize more on a specific topic and learn more about this profession.


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